Masuk Daftar

mati waktu lahir bahasa Inggris

  • mati:    as dead as mutton; dead; decease; die; die a
  • waktu:    future tense; occasion; reactional; the moment
  • lahir:    be borned; born; borne; came into the world;
  • lahir mati:    stillborne; stillbirth; stillborn; spontaneous abortion; miscarriage
  • senarai lahir mati:    born and died list
  • rerugi waktu mati:    deadtime losses
  • waktu mati mesin:    machine down time
  • waktu untuk hidup dan waktu untuk mati:    the time to live and the time to die
  • lahir:    be borned; born; borne; came into the world; coming into the world; exterior; birth year category header; see the light; surface; birth; extrinsic; secular; material; give birth to; temporal; outwar
  • mati:    as dead as mutton; dead; decease; die; die a tragic death; dies; extinct; go the way of all flesh; go the way of nature; go west; going the way of all flesh; going the way of nature; going west; gon
  • baru lahir:    new-born; newborn; reborn; neonatal
  • batu lahir:    birthstone
  • belum lahir:    unborn; in utero
  • hari lahir:    birthday
  • lahir di:    be born in; born in